The Danish Construction Sector
The construction industry is one of the main industries in Denmark and plays a significant role in Denmark’s economy. The industry is responsible for maintaining and expanding the housing stock and infrastructure in Denmark, which amounts to 80% of the Danish national fortune
Denmark is known for great engineering and cutting edge construction. In 2023 Europe’s largest logistics centre will open in Denmark. In 2029, the Fehmarn Belt Link to Germany will become the world’s longest immersed rail and road tunnel. In coming years the world’s first energy islands will be constructed in the North Sea alongside a number of state-of-the-art super hospitals.
Find your next job in Construction here
Denmark continuously push for grandiose construction projects and the construction industry in Denmark has not experienced major downfall since the financial crisis in 2008. As of 2022, the industry employed more than 190,000 workers of which 16% where internationals workers. The ever-expanding industry creates great job possibilities for construction workers wanting to find work in Denmark.
Examples of job titles with high demand:
- Welder
- Smith
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Paver
- Painter
- Bricklayer
- Carpenter
- Lagger
- HVAC technician
- Engineer
- Architect
To find vacant positions please visit our job portal
Pay levels
In Denmark, there is no statutory minimum wage, because salary conditions and pay levels established through collective agreements or individual agreements between companies and employees. This is known as the Danish Labour Market Model.
Pay for individual employees varies and depends on various factors such as performance, skills, experience and for skilled workers in some cases piecework and bonus agreements.
Skilled workers can follow the link below and have a look at pay levels to get an idea about what pay level to expect. There is no overview for highly qualified workers.
See pay levels for skilled workers in the Danish Construction sector
More information on the Danish Labour Market Model
Reach out and good luck
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. Find our contact information in the link below. You can also follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn, where we share tips for job search and info on Denmark.
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