Authorisation for Regulated Professions
If you are going to work in a regulated profession such as a doctor, dentist or lawyer, you need an authorisation or similar recognition
Some professions are regulated by law in Denmark. If you are going to work within one of these professions, you need a Danish authorisation.
Is my profession regulated?
Find out if your profession is regulated by law at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. List of regulated professions (new tab).
Apply for authorisation
It is an advantage to apply for authorisation before you arrive in Denmark as it may take time before you receive an answer to your application.
If you are a citizen of a country outside of the Nordic region, the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you must in some cases attach a Danish authorisation when you apply for a residence and work permit. For example, this applies if you are going to work as a doctor or a dentist.
The authority that is responsible for the relevant profession issues the authorisation. Please note that the requirements for authorisation depend on whether you are a Nordic citizen, an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen or whether you are a citizen of another country.
Further information
You may find more information about the rules and how to apply for authorisation at the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Here you can also find targeted information for Nordic, EU/EEA or Swiss citizens as well as citizens of other countries. Ministry of Higher Education and Science
If you are a healthcare professional, please read more about the authorisation process on our information site for healthcare personel.