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Make IT in Denmark

In Denmark, there is a great demand for highly qualified candidates within IT.
In the following, we will present you with some facts about the booming IT sector in Denmark, where to look for a job, how to write a great CV and cover letter, and we will present other expats’ stories to let you in on their experiences with moving to Denmark and working within IT


First: Have a look at our current IT vacancies in Denmark. All of the jobs posted are in English and situated in Denmark. You will find our job portal here

We recommend that you use your competencies or wanted job title as search words, as this will give you the most relevant job offers for you.

About the IT sector in Denmark

The IT sector in Denmark is in great progress and consists of more than 4.300 companies, 95.113 employees and a collective turnover of 248 billion DKK. The number of employees has been increasing steadily for the last 10 years – showing the continued development of the sector:


There has also been an increase in the salary levels in the last decade, and it is generally a very well paid sector to work in. The average monthly salary is 50.643 DKK (€ 6.800) for a full time position.


Denmark is a digital frontrunner and leading tech nation

“According to the European Commission’s annual ranking, Denmark is one of the most digitised economies and societies among the 28 EU member states (2020). This is a testament to Denmark’s outstanding IT infrastructure and tech-savvy population.”

Read the full report from Invest in Denmark here

Tips on succeeding in your job search in Denmark

Here is a short video from a Recruitment Consultant at IT-company, Hesehus, telling you what is important in your application

For a further introduction on how to write a great CV and cover letter for Danish companies, please have a look at our job search video tutorials via this link

Expat stories

Many expats have taken the leap before you. We have talked to some of them about their experiences on living and working in Denmark. For example Daniel who works with DevOps in Odense. He has written an article about his experiences, which you can read here

Or have a look at this short video about four IT-expats’ experiences on finding a job and living in Denmark.

Reach out and good luck

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We are available at +45 7222 3300 and You can also follow us on FacebookLinkedInwhere we share tips for job search and info on Denmark.

Good luck with your job hunt!